1. Is cyberwarfare a serious problem? Why or why not?
Cyberwarfare is a serious problem that should be addressed. With technology being utilized world wide to control missiles and warfare, having a cyber threat is as serious if not more serious than a physical threat. Cyberwarfare can also act as a catalyst and induce an all out strike of terror on other countries
2. Assess the management, organization, and technology factors that have created this problem.
From a management standpoint, until recently there hasn’t been an increase focus on ensuring that policies are in place to prevent cyberwarfare attacks from occurring in an organization. An increased focus has to be in place to prevent this. The organization is left vulnerable and potential physical harm to users and workers becomes a social issue that has to be addressed by the organization. The advancement of technology and being readily available to the public has made cyberwarfare more likely to occur. Technology has made this problem much more relevant and will only make it worse based on where technology is leading us.
3. What makes Stuxnet different from other cyberwarfare attacks? How serious a threat is this technology?
Most cyberwarfare attacks are attempting to steal information and espionage, Stuxnet is capable of infecting even well- secured computer systems that follow industry best practices making it nearly impossible to defend. Stuxnet’s mission was to activate only computers that ran Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. One part was designed to lay dormant for long periods, then speed up Iran’s nuclear centrifuges so that they spun wildly out of control. Another secretly recorded what normal operations at the nuclear plant looked like and then played those recordings back to plant operators so it would appear that the centrifuges were operating normally when they were actually tearing themselves apart. With this type of cyberwarfare attack, an entire country could be wiped and without recognition, from inside out.