1: What management, organization, and technology issues need to be addresses when building mobile applications?

Management Issues
Mobile strategy in selecting mobile devices, operating system, applications.
Mobile platform, operating system and applications which suitable with capability and business needs.
The skill and capability of users by conducting training and so on.
Resarch and studying customers mobile behaviour
How they use their mobile devices while shopping and researching brands
What information do they wanat about the brand, product features, product reviews, or retail store locations.

Organization Issues
Change of business objective and business process
The firm needs to change their business objective and business process.
It’s important to understand how, why and where customers use mobile devices and how these mobile experience change business interactions with customers.
Change of employees working culture
By changing business objective and new business process, that will be created a new culture in the organization.
The organization needs to organize and manage employees needs to accept the new culture.

Technology Issues
Choose devices and applications to fulfil customers needs.
The customer wants to look at a product on their mobile device and see the same information on that devices as that person would obtain in the store, plus some additional information such as consumer reviews.
Ability to streamline processes and be more portable and enhanced capabilities such as touch interfaces, location and mapping features, alerts, texting, cameras, and video functionality
Design need to be proper in order to meet efficient processes and successfully deliver the benefit.

2: How does user requirement definition for mobile applications differ from that in traditional systems analysis?

Requirements analysis, also called requirements engineering, is the process of determining user expectations for a new or modified product.

Requirements and mobile experts said there are three critical issues that are unique to mobile apps and should be addressed in the requirements phase:
Choosing a platform
Choosing a platform

When defining mobile app requirements, teams first need to determine which hardware and operating system the application will run on.
This is not applicable for developing enterprise desktop applications. If the organization uses Windows desktop, the application is built to run on Windows.
For more applications; many organizations allow employees to access corporate from their own mobile devices.

Security requirements for mobile apps are not the same as those for enterprise apps. That’s because people are regularly taking sensitive data outside the corporation. Not only are they exchanging data on insecure networks, the devices themselves tend to be insecured and tend to get lost.
A number of requirements must address how data will be protected. E.g: how customer ensure that data remains secured on a device that the organization does not their own? How do the customers maintain visibility of corporate data without visibility of personal data?

Regardless your requirements must strike a balance between protecting data and maintaining user-friendliness. The application developer must make sure that security requirements aren’t making the user experience awful.
It could even spell success or failure of an app. The user experience will be mirrored by the rating of the app in the app store, and negative ratings can be the source of significant sales losses.

3: Describe the business processes changed by USA A’s mobile applications were deployed

The business processes after the applications were deployed would be much easier than before as follows:
Auto Insurance app (accident, report and claims app)
Able to send geographic information system (GIS) data to a towing service and display nearby car rental location
Banking application
Customer can capture an image of a cheque and submit to the bank then money is instantly deposited to accounts
Eliminate labour and processing expenses and time to mail the cheque
Display features
Displays loan and credit card balances, shopping services, homeowners and auto insurance policy information, Home Circle and Auto Circle buying services, retirement products and informations, ATM and Taxi locators
Communication features
Lest users see what others are posting about USAA on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

